Thursday, December 9, 2010

Disgusting Sea Creature

These ugly creatures are known as sea pigs. To the common man sea pigs may look like sea creatures produced from a cross between a pig and a slug. To some others it appears to be human fingers growing out of the creature’s mouth. But scientifically, these ugly sea pigs are scotoplanes or sea cucumbers belonging to the genus of the deep sea Holothurians.



在人来人往的时代广场,一美国男子不小心刮开了一美国单身女人的超短裙。美国男人还没开口,那美国单身女人立刻从身上摸出一张名片来这是我律师的电话,他会找你细谈关于你性骚扰我的事情,你可以做好准备,我们法庭上见. . . .说完记下美国男子的姓名电话,扬头走掉。


在泰晤士河边的教堂广场上,一英国男子不小心刮开了一英国单身女人的超短裙。英国男人还没开口,那英国单身女人忙用手里的报纸遮住裙子开了的部分,红著脸说:先生,可以先送我回家吗?我家就在前面不远. . . . . 说完。英国男人把自己的上衣脱下来,披在她身上。叫了一辆 Taxi,安全的把她送到家,又换了一件裙子。

重庆在人头簇动的解放碑前,一重庆男子不小心刮开了一重庆单身女人的超短裙。重庆男人还没开口,那重庆单身女人扬手一记响亮的耳光,还抓住重庆男人的脖领子不放:你这个不要脸的家伙!敢吃老娘豆腐,送你去劳改. . . . .


在人山人海的时代广场,一中年男子不小心刮开了一年约18女生的超短裙。中年男人还没有开口,那女生就大骂: 我操@@!你当我是站路边的便宜货啊. . . . 小心我去找人来收你的皮. . .

在斧山的街上,一中年男子不小心刮开了一年约 18女生的超短裙。中年男人还没有开口,那女生二话不说便踢出一个弹跳蛔旋踢, 然后冷冷地说: 你不知道我可是跆拳道黑带二段的吗



先生. . . 没关系,我是男人~~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Raise your hand. Stop child abuse now!

UaaJoin YouthSays

The number of reported child abuse cases in Malaysia has been increasing in the last few years. This trend is alarming, especially as it may represent only the "tip of the iceberg". While statistics of reported abuse cases are published annually, these alone may not reflect the extent of abuse in a population, the severity of abuse over time or why abuse is occurring. While various factors are commonly associated with the incidence of child abuse, little is known as to how they may or may not contribute to child abuse within the Malaysian context. Against this background, it is desirable to conduct a comprehensive study of child abuse to help us understand the scope and severity of the issue in the general population. This study would also help establish benchmarks for the measurement of child abuse, which would enable the monitoring of future trends in the abuse of children, and in public attitudes towards it. The findings of the study would also be instrumental in developing effective and evidence-based interventions needed to protect children from abuse to ensure them of a safe childhood and a future full of promise.

Amazing Photos of Most Beautiful Waterfalls in The World

Sand Sculpture Art Work At Its Best

The World Championships in creating sculptures from sand, was closed on 3rd October. The event was held in Washington from September 8 to October 3. Artists from all over the world competed for the title in three categories: solo, duet and team. The winner in solo was Thomas Koeta from Florida for “Whirlwind” and the Sculpture “The distance gives perspective,” won first place in the category of “duet”.

Crazy 3D Tattoos